I well remember those heartbreaking tears as those residents were dragged from their homes.

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I remember them too.

And at the time I wondered what the hell the Israeli government thought it was doing.

I didn’t know the term ‘ethnic cleansing’ back then, but it shocked and frightened me that a government could do this to its own people, especially when it was so obviously wrong.

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Once again, a brilliant, historically spot-on article - if only history mattered… it’s a sad state of affairs when history and truth is outweighed by wokeism… and let’s face it, anti-Jewism, and Islamism. Thank you, Josh. Spread the truth - we have that, we have justice, and we have Hashem.

Joe Schwartz.

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Those who willfully forget history condemn others to relive the bad parts. That’s the most fun part of forgetting history.

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Absolutely brilliant!

As always.

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This is such a brilliant article.

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Great piece, very educational

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